Department of Management Study Program
To become a leading Department of Management in Southeast Asia in organizing the Tridharma of Higher Education based on digital technology.

Develop and implement the concept of Management through the implementation of digital technology-based education, research, and community service based on superior, inclusive, humanistic, and integrity values with the spirit of serving in the light of truth.

Regular Bachelor of Management Study Program Program
The Bachelor of Management Study Program focuses on providing education, research, and service through the application of sustainable management knowledge based on digital technology and with a global perspective so that our graduates are ready for a career in a professional work environment. We have a culture that focuses on innovation and digitization, and social responsibility. Not only that, but we also provide a learning experience that is inclusive, flexible, relevant, and ensures student involvement to prepare them for a successful career. This is stated in four main values as follows:

Unggul (Excellent)
Berarti mampu menunjukkan kompetensi sesuai bidangnya dan berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik di tingkat nasional.
Means being able to demonstrate competence according to their field and strive to be the best at the national level.
Inklusif (Inclusive)
Bermakna keterbukaan pada berbagai pandangan dan pengetahuan serta berwawasan global. 
Means openness to various views and knowledge and global perspective.
Humanis (Humanist)
Merupakan perwujudan jiwa melayani dalam berbagai bidang (dunia usaha/pekerjaan) kepada masyarakat luas. 
It is the embodiment of the soul to serve in various fields (business/work) to the wider community.
Berintegritas (Integrity)
Memiliki konsistensi dan keteguhan menjaga nilai-nilai luhur, dan semangat melayani dalam cahaya kebenaran.
Have consistency and determination to maintain noble values, and the spirit to serve in the light of truth.
1) Marketing Management
2) Financial Management
3) Operations Management & Innovation
4) Human Resource Management

International Business and Management Program (IBMP)
IBMP is designed for students who have an interest in gaining an understanding of international business. The focus of the program is to give skills and competencies that enable students to manage an increasingly global business world. Students who wish to undertake this program have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge in one of these three majors:
  1. International Marketing
    This major helps students understand critical issues of marketing activities in an international setting. The course offers students a choice of elective units, including International Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, and Cross-Culture Management.
  2. International Finance
    This major is useful for students who wish to deepen their understanding of financial decision-making in a global context. The course provides a systematic elective unit of modern finance theory. Options available include International Financial Management, Global Capital Market, and Risk Management.
  3. Human Resource Management
    Human Resource majors learn how to handle employment issues such as staffing, training, compensation, career, and health and safety in the workplace. It seeks to provide undergraduate students with a board overview of organizational management. The elective courses in this major are International Human Resource Management, Organizational Culture, and Managerial Leadership.

Realizing the Bachelor of Management Study Program which is the main reference in Southeast Asia in sustainable management through a technology-based education system and with a global perspective imbued with a spirit of excellence, inclusiveness, humanity, and integrity.

Organizing education, research, and community service through the application of technology-based and global-minded sustainable management science to produce leaders who are imbued with the spirit of serving in the light of truth.


Harsono,SS., M.Phil
Head of Bachelor of Management Study Program

Career Opportunities
The profile of graduates of the Bachelor of Management Study Program is expected to be graduates who are ready to become professionals in their fields, both managers/entrepreneurs who are able to manage a sustainable business in the global market, supported by mastery of information and communication technology, have high ethics, integrity, and passion for service, as well as be the best. All of this can be seen in the following types of work:
  1. Business Analyst
  2. Manager
  3. Capital Market Analyst
  4. Lecturer in Management Studies
  5. Researcher in Business and Management
  6. Entrepreneur
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