One of the visions of internationalization of FBE UAJY is through the accreditation of FBE UAJY in an international accreditation institution. International accreditation is a form of recognition and equality of the quality and qualities of institutions in providing education internationally. Apart from developing quality, accreditation institutions can provide networking development between members of the accreditation body in terms of research and publications.

FBE UAJY has the Accreditation Council for Business School Program (ACBSP) as an international accreditor and is preparing to receive accreditation status.

ACBSP website:

Founded in 1988, the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) is a global business education accrediting body and the first organization to offer accreditation to all levels of college business education degree programs from associate to doctoral.

ACBSP sets standards of excellence with an accreditation process based on the Baldrige Educational Criteria for Performance Excellence. By evaluating aspects of leadership, strategic planning, stakeholder relationships, academic program quality, faculty credentials, and educational support, ACBSP assesses whether business programs offer a rigorous educational experience and a commitment to continuous quality improvement.

ACBSP sets 7 standard criteria that must be met, namely:
A. Standard 1 Leadership
Business units must have systematic leadership processes that promote performance excellence and continuous improvement. Values ??and expectations must be integrated into the business unit's leadership processes to enable the business unit to address its social responsibilities and community involvement.
B. Standard 2 Strategic Planning
Business units must have a systematic process for developing strategic plans that lead to continuous improvement. The strategic plan should include implementation goals and progress measures.
C. Standard 3 Students and Stakeholder Focus
Business units must have a systematic process for determining the current and future requirements and expectations of students and other key stakeholders. The process should measure stakeholder participation and satisfaction and use the results for continuous improvement.
D. Standard 4 Student Learning Assessment
Business units must have a systematic process and plan for assessing student learning outcomes that lead to continuous improvement. Student learning outcomes must be developed and implemented for each accredited program, and the results must be communicated to stakeholders.
E. Standard 5 Faculty Focus
Business units must have a systematic process to ensure current and qualified faculty members by 1) encouraging teaching excellence, 2) aligning faculty credentials and expertise with current and future program goals, 3) evaluating faculty members based on specified criteria and objectives, and 4) ensure faculty development including scientific and professional activities.
F. Standard 6 Curriculum
Business units must have a systematic process to ensure continuous improvement of curriculum and program delivery. The curriculum should consist of appropriate business and professional content to prepare graduates for success.
G. 7th Standard of Business Unit Performance
Business units must have a systematic process for identifying and tracking key student performance measures for continuous improvement. Business units must ensure adequate resources and services to support their programs.
In June 2021, FBE UAJY was registered as an ACBSP Membership. In the next stage to be accredited by this institution, in the same year FBE UAJY submitted the Candidacy of Accreditation stage. The candidacy status of FBE UAJY can be accessed via the website:

Currently, the ACBSP FBE UAJY Accreditation team is preparing preliminary as the initial stage of the ACBSP accreditation process which will be followed by the next process stages.

Graduates by Program 2018 Goal 2018 Results 2018 Graph   
Bachelor of Management 152 282
Bachelor of Accounting 139 359    
Bachelor of Development Economics 35 16    
Master of Management 26 42    
Graduates by Program 2019 Goal 2019 Results 2019 Graph   
Bachelor of Management 149 290
Bachelor of Accounting 121 282    
Bachelor of Development Economics 27 35    
Master of Management 19 29    
Graduates by Program 2020 Goal 2020 Results 2020 Graph   
Bachelor of Management 163 284
Bachelor of Accounting 123 264    
Bachelor of Development Economics 24 39    
Master of Management 27 54    
Graduates by Program 2021 Goal 2021 Results 2021 Graph   
Bachelor of Management 180
Bachelor of Accounting 99 311    
Bachelor of Development Economics 18 52    
Master of Management 24 32    
Graduates by Program 2022 Goal 2022 Results 2022 Graph   
Bachelor of Management 166 293
Bachelor of Accounting 80 331  
Bachelor of Development Economics 23 111  
Master of Management 25 40  
Graduates by Program 2023 Goal 2023 Results 2023 Graph   
Bachelor of Management 157 338
Bachelor of Accounting 28 284    
Bachelor of Development Economics 17 66    
Master of Management 28 62    
Retention by Program Goal 2018 Results 2018 Graphs 2018  
Bachelor of Management 80% 77,70%
Bachelor of Accounting 80% 80,29%    
Bachelor of Development Economics 80% 81,43%    
Master of Management 80% 100,00%                                                                                              
Retention by Program Goal 2019 Results 2019 Graphs 2019  
Bachelor of Management 80% 85,28%
Bachelor of Accounting 80% 87,60%    
Bachelor of Development Economics 80% 76,36%    
Master of Management 80% 100,00%                                                                                              
Retention by Program Goal 2020 Results 2020 Graphs 2020  
Bachelor of Management 80% 85,28%
Bachelor of Accounting 80% 87,04%    
Bachelor of Development Economics 80% 63,27%    
Master of Management 80% 94,55%                                                                                              
Retention by Program Goal 2021 Results 2021 Graphs 2021  
Bachelor of Management 80% 84,44%
Bachelor of Accounting 80% 81,31%    
Bachelor of Development Economics 80% 89,19%    
Master of Management 80% 30,43%                                                                                              
Retention by Program Goal 2022 Results 2022 Graphs 2022  
Bachelor of Management 80% 79,52%
Bachelor of Accounting 80% 75,00%    
Bachelor of Development Economics 80% 67,39%    
Master of Management 80% 96,00%                                                                                              
Retention by Program Goal 2023 Results 2023 Graphs 2023  
Bachelor of Management 80% 85,99%
Bachelor of Accounting 80% 82,50%    
Bachelor of Development Economics 80% 64,71%    
Master of Management 80% 87,50%                                                                                              
The IBMP dan IUPBA students gain benefit by joining mandatory mobility program  Mobility Program provides a range of benefits for students by enhancing their academic performance and fostering skill development. The primary benefits that students obtain from the program mostly include enhanced skill acquisition, increased adaptability, and greater career exposure. 

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