Getting Closer to Tax Center 

Taxation is a fairly dynamic field and often experiences rapid development in practice. Practical development in taxation requires support from various parties to increase public awareness and concern about the importance of taxation rights and obligations. Universities are one of the parties that can take a role in supporting this. In this case, universities can bridge theory and practice for parties with interests and needs related to the field of taxation.
In this regard, universities need a forum to facilitate all kinds of academic activities related to tax education for students and the general public. With this background, the Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, has the initiative to establish a Tax Center as a center of activities that will later act as information, education, research, assessment, socialization, and tax training which has a role to be able to facilitate all kinds of activities—related to tax education. The approach to the practical realm for the center of tax education activities through the Tax Center will be carried out in collaboration with the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of the Yogyakarta Special Region Office.

Events :

1. Webinar with the Directorate General of Taxes, DIY Regional Office with the theme SP2DK
The issuance of SP2DK is an opportunity given to taxpayers to explain and improve the implementation of tax obligations if there are errors or omissions in calculating, paying, and reporting taxes. In addition, other benefits that taxpayers can obtain if they get SP2DK, they can avoid the potential for inspection as a follow-up to the report on the results of a request for an explanation of data and information (LHP2DK), which contains conclusions and proposals/recommendations. Therefore, SP2DK can run effectively as a tool to improve taxpayer compliance without providing additional burdens, as occurs in tax audits.
From this phenomenon, discussing the issuance of SP2DK and the essential aspects taxpayers must carry out become interesting, especially for business actors and MSMEs. Therefore, an in-depth discussion is needed regarding the readiness of business actors and MSMEs when receiving SP2DK and the Directorate General of Taxes' efforts to support business actors and MSMEs in fulfilling their tax obligations in this complex pandemic condition. This is then stated in the Webinar organized by the Tax Center.

2. Tax Volunteer Activities in collaboration with the DIY Regional Tax Office
The Tax Volunteer Program has been implemented since 2017 by piloting business process standardization, including registration, training, selection, and utilization of Tax Volunteers. In 2020, 6,993 Tax Volunteers participated in the 2021 Tax Volunteer activities, consisting of 6,574 students and 419 non-students spread over 32 DGT Regional Offices. FBE UAJY students and the Tax Center participated in these activities to support the receipt of the Annual SPT in 2022 and encourage the implementation of involving third parties in tax counselling activities. As a result, the DGT Regional Office was asked to implement the Tax Volunteer Program in 2022.

3. PPS or Tax Amnesty Theme Webinar vol.2
The implementation of PPS in 2022 can be an exciting topic of discussion regarding who can participate in PPS, how the implementation mechanism will be, and what benefits will be gained if participating in PPS. Universities can play a role in the success of PPS by becoming a medium for socializing the program to the broader community. The Tax Center can be an extension of the university in helping taxpayers who want to know and participate in PPS. Therefore, the UAJY Tax Center wants to hold a webinar titled: "Tax Amnesty II: Wajib Ikut?" hoping that more taxpayers will join the Voluntary Disclosure Program. In this activity, the main objectives are to socialize the implementation of the 2022 Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) to the public (private individuals and entities), establish a communication forum, and establish the UAJY FBE Tax Center network.

4. Assistance in Filling OP's Annual SPT
The UAJY FBE Tax Center and tax volunteers held a mentoring activity in filling out the Annual SPT for lecturers and employees who had difficulty reporting SPT. This activity will make it easier for university taxpayers to report their tax returns to improve tax compliance. This activity is also a medium of socialization and education regarding the latest tax regulations for the academic community.

5. Public Lecture with ESI


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