The History of Business and Economics Faculty of UAJY 

The Faculty of Economics is one of the oldest faculty at Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta. At the beginning of its establishment on September 27th, 1965. The Faculty of Economics only has one study program, the Department of Economics. As time went by, in 1985, the UAJY Faculty of Economics established the Accounting Study Program; then, in 1993, it established the Development Economics Study Program. In order to face the globalization era, in 1999, the Faculty of Economics opened international classes for the Management Study Program, namely the International Business Management Program (IBMP), and the Accounting Study Program, namely the International Financial Accounting Program (IFAP) in 2007.

The Change of Faculty Name 

On November 11, 2018. The Faculty of Economics changed its name to the Faculty of Business and Economics, this was done to increase involvement and quality at the international level by preparing for international accreditation.


The Faculty of Business and Economics is proud to be part of Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, which has been working for 55 years. The Faculty of Business and Economics has contributed quality graduates with more than 20,000 alumni currently active at national and international levels.

The Faculty of Business and Economics always focuses on service and accommodating the community's various needs. By prioritizing the application of science based on research and supporting the development of digitalization, we will always provide the best for students, the community, and the country of Indonesia

The Goals of FBE UAJY
To become a faculty that excels is inclusive, humanist, and has integrity through:​
1. Good organizational governance to ensure sustainable growth.​
2. Increasing institutional competitiveness in organizing academic activities by national and international criteria

Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Business and Economics FBE UAJY

Strategic Plan FBE UAJY for 2016-2022 

The vision of Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta in 2037 is to become one of the leading universities in Indonesia and be recognized by the world with research and scientific publications of international reputation, as well as inclusive and humanist education and teaching. To realize our vision in question, over the next five years (2016/2017 – 2020/2021), all planned activities at FBE-UAJY will refer to the development of Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, which aims to strengthen the internal quality, namely improving the quality of governance and preparing to become an internationally recognized faculty whose academic activities are supported by research results. In addition, FBE UAJY will also increase excellence and humanist and inclusive character in implementing education and teaching, community service, and research.



To be a leader in digital technology-based, global-minded Faculty of Business and Economics in Southeast Asia.​



Organizing  education,  research  and  community  service  in  the  field  of  business  and economics based on digital technology and with a global perspective in accordance with the needs of the business world and society with the spirit of serving in the light of truth

Struktural FBE UAJY

Berikut merupakan pengurus-pengurus yang ada di dalam Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika UAJY.


Strategic Collaboration

In institutional development, FBE UAJY has a vast network with external parties, both institutionally and individually, from the FBE UAJY community. The extent of the network build can be used for the academic and non-academic interests of FBE UAJY.

The Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, always establishes strategic cooperation with various parties at domestic and abroad to develop academic quality, student affairs, research opportunities, and career opportunities, among others. This strategic collaboration was built as a manifestation of the Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Atma Jaya, Yogyakarta, realizing its vision and mission: internationalization and strengthening domestic networks. Here are some strategic partners that have tremendously supported the progress of the Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Atma Jaya, Yogyakarta.

Universitas dan Asosiasi


Penunjang Akademik

Gabung Bersama Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

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